Monday, February 21, 2011

Business as Usual

I can see the school is preparing to accommodate another student. During the past few days a room near mine has been stocked with bedding, cleaned, and painted. I’m not sure exactly when he will arrive, but I look forward to the day. It’ll be fun having someone to practice with, perhaps even after hours.

I haven’t written in several days. This partly because not much of note has happened, and partly because, after some final throes of unruliness, the Internet in my room is now stable, and so is my VPN. At last I have something to entertain me in the off hours besides dated BBC travelogues. Consequently, I am writing less. This keyboard is a hassle and the Internet is tempting. I really must buy a supplementary keyboard, because writing this way is a total chore.

Training continues at a steady rate. I spend most of the morning working on a particular movement that gives me a lot of trouble. I need to take a step forward, and let my back foot sort of slid up behind me. Doesn't sound so bad, does it? The issue is that it’s difficult to get the stability needed for sliding that foot up without leaning over my front knee. This is one of the relatively few instances where my leg is supposed to extend in this manner— much like a spider’s leg. There are also arm movements accompanying those motions, which add to the difficulty in not leaning forward. Oh well, it will probably come along in time. Chi Gung lasted a long, long time today. Keeping a clear mind is harder when one’s muscles are burning.

Today I stretched as far as I ever have. Master told me to take a rest, so I decided to do a stretch (the sort where you sit on the ground and spread your legs as far as possible), because the normal training doesn’t allocate much time to static stretches like that, but I still want to keeping working on them. However, the master took an interest in my activity and decided I needed help. First he and Andy grabbed a leg each, then they pushed them apart. That was ok, but then then he sat opposite of me doing the same stretch, except for that he was leaning back instead of forward, pulling me into the stretch. I was honestly very worried by the overly stretched sensation I was getting, and because when I would say “enough!” the master would only reply, “relax, relax!” And I knew if I relaxed as requested he would only feel like pulling harder. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if my legs were near 160 degrees.

I also discovered today that the only remaining part of the form I’ve been practicing was the bow! So I finished it, and started in on a new one. The master also mentioned that he wants to take me to a competition in july. Right now that doesn't sound like a great idea, but maybe things will progress faster than I imagine.

Today we were joined by a new cook. In fact, the same one I mentioned a few days ago. I don't know why the old one is leaving. Hopefully he’s not being pushed out of the job, but I am glad to have the other fellow on board.

Uh, I’m tired, don't have much to say after all. Maybe tomorrow will provide some interesting topics.

1 comment:

  1. Keep your spirits up, Taylor! The master knows what he is will be ready by July-I think that you are probably doing a lot better than you think!
