Monday, April 4, 2011

Precious Sloth

After a long, tiring week a night out didn't sound appealing in the least. Still, I decided I should at least make a showing at Cameron’s party to get out and meet some people. I knew the exact address of his flat, but remained anxious about the trip from a to b (having never been there before, and with practically no means to direct the cab). Although reluctant, since it was his party, I planned on ringing Cameron for guidance once on campus. Miraculously, I found no need. The force was strong with the cabi and I, and with the help of Jimmy, my broken Chinese, and the University Gate Guard I arrived not ten feet from the front door.

There I met, or re-re-encountered, loads of people including James (the Chemistry major I met last Friday), whom I made plans with to do some cooking next weekend, and a Korean guy named Liquor (not the craziest English name I’ve run across, but a strange one). Andy was there too. He looked worn out, and isn’t enjoying his stint as a truck driver. Who can blame him?

Around eleven most people headed out for Ali-Baba’s. I went home: no way was I staying out late again. Unlike last week, the ride back was excellent. I conducted my first semi-conversation in Chinese! The driver asked where I was from, I told him. He knew I was going to back to a school and mentioned Yantai Mantis Boxing (this locality is famous for it). I said I was studying it, and asked if he liked Gong Fu. He does, and practices Tong Bei. We also exchanged ages, and spoke about the length of my stay, and that was about it, but to me it was terribly exciting. Language is magic.

Saturday and Sunday proved sedentary, as usual, just as I desired. The coming week promises to be the same, I’ve decided to take it completely off and see if my back won’t settle down. Besides, although recuperation is the primary reason for this leave, I could definitely use the break. I’ll spend it practicing Chinese, doubtlessly less than I now intend, playing Go, reading “Kim,” seeing about watching the cook, and sleeping.

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