Monday, April 25, 2011


Fate dealt us a tumultuous hand last week, the school is closing. I'm sure there are many ins and outs to the reasoning, but the line from above is that they just can't make the school profitable fast enough. What a shame for everybody.

I am left with several options. I could return home post-haste, strike out into China alone, enroll in a different, nearby Kung Fu school (where my master is likely to be employed at the end of this month), or find a place to stay Yantai. After considering these paths, though I'm not finished I have to make my mind quickly, I'm leaning towards the last.

I don't feel like I want to come home just yet, even though I dread to miss summer, and all my friends and family. I planned for a long trip, and I'm not quite ready to call it quits. Solo-adventuring in China would certainly be an experience, but I don't think I'm up for it right now. That kind of thing takes a bit more preparation I feel. Things would be different if I had somewhere in particular I wanted to go, or a better command of Chinese.

As for the other school, it almost makes me tired thinking about it. My injuris are bothering me despite recent preventative measures. If I got my own place, or shared one with somebody, I could continue visiting Dr. Lee, maybe get a part-time job (my master has hinted several time he has some connections in that respect), and just chill till I'm totally mended. Then, afterwards, I could try out the other school for a few months, and then go home.


  1. You just never know what's around the corner, that's for sure! I know you are up to the task of walking through whatever doorway you choose...and for whatever adventure lies next!

  2. I'd go where your tendencies are - the last option. If you came home, chances are slim you'd get there again. So let the adventure play out...a door closes, a door opens.

  3. And the Jean-Luc picture is perfect.

  4. An unexpected turn of events to be sure. I will be curious to see what you choose...whatever it is, keep writing! If you stay Yantai and end up with a little extra time, I suggest you work on your fiction. Great picture of Jean-Luc...

  5. Ah, Grasshopper, these three stones in my hand--how many are there? You must seek yet another path: you must take DMIL by the ankles and shake her until sufficient yuans, for the usual, though inexplicable reasons, fall from her little yellow pockets. Or you could, you democratic little round-eye, together with the rest of your mates offer to double your tuition. Perhaps a little old fashion palm greasing might help? Or you could suggest that your own father, summoned from the great distant cold land of the West, could come and straighten out all their money problems. Maybe it's a simple matter of money mismanagement, his specialty. It's worth a shot.
    Son, it makes me so proud to realize that in every circumstance you will continue being exactly who you are: a kind, generous, man-of- your-own-counsel. That is enough. Write soon, Dad
