Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back to training

Today I began learning Tai Chi (tàijíquán). I took last week off on account of my back, but the problem still persists. So, I asked the master if he might teach me Tai Chi, instead of Mantis Boxing, until I’m all mended. He knows the style, in fact he taught it in his previous employment, and he thought it was a fine idea! With that, my great worry was dispelled. I want to keep busy, I want to study martial arts, but I know (practically) for certain that my previous regimen would never have allowed me to recover. With Tai Chi, however, I can train without fear of straining myself and learn one of my favorite, if not my all time favorite, styles. Of course, I won’t see as many gains in practical application by learning Tai Chi (not because they aren’t there, but because they take literal decades to develop), but I can tolerate that. I’m not here to beat people up in the first place, I’m only hoping for an interesting, pleasant, improving sojourn. The morning was certainly peaceful: I practiced the same, slow movement for almost two hours.

I’ve also moved one of my chairs onto my desk, and I’m going to use my computer standing up from now on. Hypothetically this should speed the back along, and I’ll probably go see a doctor, maybe an acupuncture guy, again soon. The pressure’s off now, though, now that I have a plan.

Our weather is much improved. While it was cold and overcast this morning, it turned clear and sunny, and this seems to be the typical Yantai weather pattern. The days are warm, downright pleasant in the afternoons, and flowers are in bloom on the trees. I was going to take a few pictures, but the batteries are dead so they’ll have to be added in an edit. The spring weather reminds me of home, but that's actually a topic for another day. I don’t have the energy just now to write about it.

This is one of the dogs from the camp. Nobody really pays any attention to them besides me, so she likes to come nose around in my room:


  1. Snowmonkey, You write so well! Thanks for putting the picture of the fine dog on the blog. I'm glad for both of you that she's there. Aren't they great creatures? My life, certainly, would not be nearly as happy without our four sausages. Those Blackies are something else! Its a wonder that poor Uncle Wooster isn't bald--they are always abusing him somehow. And then, twenty minutes later, all three are jungled up together on the couch sleeping, the very picture of peace and tranquility. I'm glad Chinese Dog has you to talk to. Talk to you soon, Son. Love, Dad

  2. That was smart of you Taylor. When I managed physical therapy offices, working standing up was often recommended. Sometimes people would get a podium and use as a desk. Tai Chi is wonderful - maybe I'll start up again. I learned through 48th step pretty well and liked it so much - time to do that again. I'm enjoying your blog.
