Tuesday, March 22, 2011


From the left: Tom, Daniel, Bernard, and Charlie (ambushed while talking before lunch)

Last night I had my first Chinese lesson with Jimmy (YES! My keys are working again! Oh, but now it’s stopped, I guess they aren’t all the way dry yet? Most of them are working though, what a nice surprise). Like I was saying, the first lesson with Jimmy— I made a lot of progress. We practiced some Chinese tongue twisters to drill the tones, and he taught some more vocabulary (informal phrases, body parts, directions, also “so,” and “because ”). I can finally put together some simple sentences on the spot.

Today has been pleasant. My sickness is almost gone, the sun is shining, and training was a lot of fun. I don't know why, but the master never motioned for Chi Gong today. We just (such a thrill to use the j key ^__^) stayed in the main hall and drilled applications, including an exciting hand-catching drill I hadn’t seen before. One person punches, and the other rotates his target shoulder back and snags the incoming arm. We got do to some improvisation after the snatch, which I really enjoyed. Back in Washington I had loads of fun with that sort of free play, but here it’s a rarity.

Many of you have already seen it, but here’s a video I shot of my basic forms— like I say in the clip, the more I thought the less I felt like waiting.

One of these days I’ll ask Jimmy to film some stretching, and perhaps some drills too.

Edit: Anomaly, we actually did a little push/sticky hand playtime this afternoon. The master won (who could’ve seen that coming?), but I faired passably in an exercise similar to one we always practiced in Walla Walla. We also punched pads. I felt real improvement in my relaxation, the strike had more shock to it than the blunt force I'm trying to get away from. It's been a successful day.

My hands paid the price for those good strikes. Bear in mind, the pictures (the flash) make it look much worse than it is, and I probably won't do striking like this until next week, at the earliest.


  1. Poor hands!

    You look terrific in the video. Very smooth (cat-like really)and graceful. I can't wait to see you in action when you are back home.

    Love Auntie Cris

  2. Golly, that's amazing. We're home from Morocco and Spain and I'm catching up on your blog. I'm so glad you posted this clip because I can visualize it now; before it was just words. I saw - or I think I saw - a mantis-like form. Am I right? What you're doing is amazingly interesting, especially going by yourself into that most foreign of environments. Glad you're learning Chinese, which is an incredibly valuable skill. You should supplement with the Rosetta Stone training which is apparently all it's cracked up to be. Anyway, fun catching up.
